探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, 和 create a major experience that jumpstarts your future using the following documents:
圣. 爱德华为你提供了坚实的基础和技术知识. But it doesn’t stop there: You’ll apply what you learn in the classroom to projects 和 internships. You’ll be challenged to create solutions to multi-faceted problems using existing technologies 和 technological tinkering.
Our faculty members bring years of academic 和 industry experience 和 will guide you to creating 和 presenting professional-level work. 毕业后,你将为跨行业工作做好准备.
Complete your BA in 计算机科学 和 Master’s Degree with our 通路s to receive two degrees in five years down below.
成功的教练 和 学术顾问 guide students through undergraduate 和 graduate courses to maximize benefits.
计算机科学 majors go on to a variety of careers 和 graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.
- 成为CDK Global、Khoros、Dun等公司的软件工程师 & 布拉德斯特里特和迪奥安全公司
- 曾在脸谱网担任产品开发专家
- 曾任摩根大通的站点可靠性工程师 & Co.
- 曾在IBM和戴尔等公司担任软件开发人员
- 进入了顶级项目的研究生院, 比如德州大学奥斯汀分校, 贝勒大学, 莱斯大学, 普渡大学, 范德比尔特大学, 佐治亚理工大学和曼彻斯特大学
Sophie Gairo ' 17 shares how she used her 计算机科学 degree to l和 a job at Silicon Valley–based cloud computing as a software engineer.
作为一名计算机专业的学生, 你将成为一个以就业安置著称的项目的一部分, 尤其是在奥斯汀充满活力的科技领域. 通过参与研究获得优势, 实习和学生组织可以锻炼你的技能.
在软件工程中, 你将在一个大型的团队项目中工作——从规范到设计, 到实现, 测试, 进化, 维护管理. You’ll learn how to use industry-st和ard tools 和 communicate effectively with clients.
在本科研究和发展, you’ll research a computing problem; investigate a possible solution to the problem; 和 design, 进化, 并提出解决方案.
The 计算机科学 Club helps students build their skills through events like Capture the Flag, 以网络安全为重点的编程竞赛.
圣. 爱德华的 Maker Club attracts tinkerers 和 programmers who have worked on projects involving 3-D printing, 焊接, 编程LED条, 通过编程创造艺术.
这 有用的课程地图 显示该部门的先决条件顺序.
1. 计算机科学文学学士
这 degree track offers more options to take non-computer-science-related courses than the BS track, which is especially helpful for students who seek a double major or a broader technical degree prior to advanced study in graduate school. 学这个专业你会……
- Study the algorithmic processes that create, describe 和 transform information
- 学习开发用于解决各种领域问题的软件
- 建议具有较强的数学和计算机科学背景
主要要求: The BA in 计算机科学 requires 58 hours of 计算机科学 major courses, 包括数学辅助课程.
通识教育要求: 除了专业课程要求外,所有学生还必须满足 通识教育要求. Talk with your success coach 和 faculty advisor about which courses are right for you.
查看并下载完整版 我们计算机科学专业的学士学位计划 (PDF).
2. 计算机科学学士学位
这 degree track provides a course of study based on computer science theory 和 its application in various aspects of business 和 industry. It includes support courses to prepare students for graduate study in computer science.
主要要求: The BS in 计算机科学 requires 72 hours of 计算机科学 major courses, 包括数学辅助课程.
通识教育要求: 除了专业课程要求外,所有学生还必须满足 通识教育要求. Talk with your success coach 和 faculty advisor about which courses are right for you.
查看并下载完整版 我们计算机科学专业的学士学位计划 (PDF).
3. 计算机信息科学文学学士学位
这 degree track emphasizes application of computing knowledge to business practices 和 prepares you for careers working with the design, 多用户计算机系统的实施和管理. 在这个专业你会...
- 建立扎实的计算机科学理论和实践基础
- 除了计算机科学课程外,还要学习商科课程
主要要求: The BA in Computer Information Science requires 63 hours of Computer Information Science major courses, 包括商业和数学等科目的课程.
通识教育要求: 除了专业课程要求外,所有学生还必须满足 通识教育要求. Talk with your success coach 和 faculty advisor about which courses are right for you.
查看并下载完整版 我们计算机信息科学专业的学士学位计划 (PDF).
You’ll have the opportunity to conduct independent research 和 present your work at meetings like Consortium for Computing Sciences, 全国大学生科研会议, 以及西班牙裔专业工程师协会全国大会.
Outst和ing students can participate in 研究 Experiences for 本科s, in which they join the lab of a professor at a major research university over a summer. 这些经历可以帮助你决定从事研究工作是否适合你. 一个圣. 爱德华的 计算机科学 major recently secured an REU at Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Software 研究, where she worked with some of the top minds in the world — including Mary Shaw, who created the field of software architecture 和 was awarded the National Medal of Technology 和 Innovation by President Barack Obama.
计算机科学 students have built their professional skills in the following internships. 后来有几个人获得了全职工作机会.
- VMware vSphere集成容器实习
- 在AIG保险公司技术实习
- 通用电气数字技术领导实习
- 恩智浦半导体系统验证工程师实习
- Corva的软件工程师实习
- Software engineering internship at dealership management software company CDK Global
- 艾默生自动化解决方案公司软件开发实习, 哪一个为制造业和工业工厂构建软件
As a student in the 计算机科学 program you are afforded access to the funding programs, 包括带薪实习, 专为圣. 爱德华大学跨学科科学研究所(i4). 有关这些项目的更多信息,请访问 跨学科科学研究所(i4).
圣. 爱德华的 Office of 信息技术 hires students to work as support technicians. 在这份工作中, 你可以帮助学生, faculty 和 staff with computer troubleshooting; maintain the computer labs; 和 set up software on new computers for employees. 除了涵盖“帮助台”问题之外, you can specialize in networking or enterprise software 和 earn credentials like Google Cloud certification.
Our distinguished faculty members are scholar-practitioners dedicated to developing responsible 和 independent learners. 来认识一下我们的计算机科学教授 ...
Dr. 贝克的研究兴趣包括人工智能, 案例推理, 计算机科学教育, 编程语言. She is currently researching computer science pedagogy involving project code testing 和 student learning.
– 劳拉贝克博士,计算机科学教授
Dr. Shebaro的 research interests are focused on digital forensics 和 information security 和 privacy, 包括保护隐私的法医调查, 网络安全, 匿名网络, 网络安全.
– Bilal Shebaro博士,计算机科学助理教授
在圣. 爱德华,博士. Kart leverages his professional experiences by teaching with industry-st和ard tools 和 software development methodologies. 2009年,他构思、创建并教授了《365比分网电竞》这门课程. 设计. 构建.,制作St。. 爱德华是全国首批提供这种服务的学校之一.
– 迈克尔小型赛车,博士,教授,计算机科学主席
Minoring in 计算机科学 can help you exp和 career opportunities in a technologically-driven field. Courses in the 计算机科学 program will help you broaden skill sets 和 further strengthen critical thinking skills. Students who are not 计算机科学 majors 和 are interested in developing programming skills 和 providing technical support for other fields that require computational needs should consider a minor in 计算机科学.
- 计算概念一
- 计算概念II
- 算法问题解决导论
- 基于组件的编程
- 离散数学
- 算法和数据结构
- 编程语言
- 数据库理论与应用
你现在是学生吗? 联系你的导师 关于申报专业或辅修的下一步步骤.