We are offering a variety of visit opportunities to help you get the full picture of life at St. 爱德华的. Come enjoy our beautiful hilltop campus — it’s the best way to get to know us. 我们期待很快见到你!
来看看成为山顶战士到底意味着什么. Learn more about our university, the admission process, financial aid, campus life and more.
Come visit our beautiful campus and experience a walking tour led by a current student!
夏季旅游从5月13日开始,一直持续到8月. 16. Summer tours run Mondays and Fridays at 10 am and 12 pm, 和周二, 星期三, 周四上午10点(周末除外), 假期及特别活动). Please note: there will be a limited tour schedule from May 13 through May 24.
Once you register, please read the detailed confirmation email you will receive.
If you’re interested in bringing a group of high school students to campus, please 申请团体旅游.
Choose SEU events are open to admitted freshmen and are a great opportunity to see your future home and experience a day in the life of a student.
金融援助 Information Sessions and are open to all prospective freshmen who want to learn more about the FAFSA process. Explore events are open to all prospective students interested in each event's specific focus.
- 建立自己的经验! Options may include a meeting 和招生顾问一起, 金融服务顾问, 和/或在读学生. You can also schedule a meeting with a faculty member or sit in on a class.
- Once you submit your request, our team will work to create a personalized visit to meet your needs.
- 申请必须至少提前三周提出.
- 春季个性化访问不再提供. Fall personalized visit requests will open in September.
让我们来看看圣. 爱德华的 这些虚拟之旅, given by our resident assistants — upperclass students who live in the halls and build community among residents.
加入我们的转移信息会议. 你会学到更多关于圣. 爱德华的 and our transfer admission process, our majors and internship opportunities.
Join us for an in-person campus event that allows you to learn more about St. 爱德华的! These events are open to all prospective transfer students.
- 建立自己的经验! Options may include a meeting 和招生顾问一起, 金融服务顾问, 和/或在读学生. You can also schedule a meeting with a faculty member or sit in on a class.
- Once you submit your request, our team will work to create a personalized visit to meet your needs.
- 申请必须至少提前三周提出.
- 春季个性化访问不再提供. Fall personalized visit requests will open in September.
需要比上面提供的会议更灵活? 打电话给招生办公室,电话是 512-448-8500 or 电子邮件我们 to schedule an appointment 和招生顾问一起.
让我们来了解一下圣. 爱德华的 这些虚拟之旅, given by our resident assistants — upperclass students who live in the halls and build community among residents.
地图、方向 & 酒店信息
View an interactive campus map, campus parking, directions to our campus and hotel information. Plan your trip to Austin — we're only three miles from downtown!